Maximum uptime for eCommerce stores
For an eCommerce business, few things are as unsettling as experiencing downtime on their website, which is essential for selling products. Downtime not only...
For an eCommerce business, few things are as unsettling as experiencing downtime on their website, which is essential for selling products. Downtime not only...
Magento 1 ended its support in June 2020. To stay up to date for PCI compliance, you should migrate to Magento 2, or choose one of the software below.
Magento 2.3 introduced a new feature: Multi-Source Inventory (MSI) that was designed to handle multiple inventory sources. This broke many inventory synchron...
Due to errors in custom code, sometimes Magento fails to create an order. If the payment had been taken and confirmed in the payment gateway, it would be a w...
Google’s own PWA team said serving static content is not important for SEO, because their clawlers are running JavaScript files. Then why bother with SSR (Se...
Magento 2.3 introduced a view table, which causes issues with the import of MySQL dump. It’s part of the new Magento 2 Multi-Source Inventory feature.
A magázódás és önözés helyett használjuk az eredeti magyar megszólításokat.
Ebben a sorozatban az Egyéni Munkarend igénylésének lépéseit dokumentálom. Mint ismeretes, 2019-ben a magántanulói jogviszony megszűnt, helyette létrejött eg...
Azért szeretnénk otthon tanulni, mert nem akarjuk, hogy a gyerekeink egy Istentelen, zaklatásokkal teli, kormányzati pokolban nevelkedjenek, amelynek tudomán...
Ebben a sorozatban az Egyéni Munkarend igénylésének lépéseit dokumentálom. Mint ismeretes, 2019-ben a magántanulói jogviszony megszűnt, helyette létrejött eg...
Azért szeretnénk otthon tanulni, mert nem akarjuk, hogy a gyerekeink egy Istentelen, zaklatásokkal teli, kormányzati pokolban nevelkedjenek, amelynek tudomán...
Sharing my experience on optimizing OpenBSD by changing kernel parameters.
OpenBSD is a great alternative for mainstream operating systems with great offline documentation so good, it will survive a nuclear apocalypse without intern...
Google’s own PWA team said serving static content is not important for SEO, because their clawlers are running JavaScript files. Then why bother with SSR (Se...
The tales of the impossible: deleting all my contents from Facebook prior to 2011.
The tales of the impossible: deleting all my contents from Facebook prior to 2011.
I’ve been immersed in the world of Wayland on Linux since July. The journey hasn’t been entirely smooth, and I’ve found myself circling back to X11, which, s...
In the realm of technology, the term “software engineer” often conjures images of lines of code, intricate algorithms, and complex technical solutions. Howev...